Friday, April 10, 2009

Best Birthday Ever...

It's been a glorious 10th. I turned 53 at 2:17 am, drunk and happily ensnared in a show-stopping smooch with CP at one of the three or four bars we thrashed through. Tobias Prinz and the Rope Cosmetology guys (Tim Lane Seaton, Ryan Parrish and the inimitable Feri Kovacs) joined us after dinner, and together we downed beer, wine, tequila, Prosecco, and five rounds of Russian Cocaine shots (vodka with a slice of lemon, smeared with coffee and sugar, atop the glass - extremely tasty but absolutely deadly). We didn't stop drinking until 4:50 or 5:20 or whenever it was. The hangovers were delightful... Just in from a picnic in a park located less than half a kilometer from our flat. Lots of friends showed up, and matted hair of dog was administered. There were gifts, too, most unexpected, and all very much appreciated: Frau F. gave me a beautiful vintage (and slightly pimped-out) bicycle, and Ilona and Andreas gave me a very cool four-leaf clover. Each frond was perforated by mandible slashes. Very cool... Michael presented me with a bottle of Havana Club rum, and Francesca and Steffan gave me an awesome marizpan beetle... We stayed for five hours until the park supervisor kicked us (and the other sun worshippers) out. Stamina was in short supply, so we blew off attending the Larvae gig and opted for oblivion. Which is where you'll find me, CP, Ropecosm, Tobi, and anyone else insane enough to have followed in our footsteps last night...

(Above, yours truly, on the afternoon of my 53rd, with Feri Kovacs' hand encroaching, and comrades Steffan and Francesca in the process of pouring espresso for everyone. Claudia Franke, whose painted toes emerge at the bottom of the frame, took the photograph. Click for a larger version of the image.)

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